what's the racket?


May 11, 2007 — by Pete York

The Jazz Trio, so-called, has a couple of different line-ups depending on demand, availability etc. In Eisenach we shall be doing a lot of Krupa material and I talk about this great personality, my first inspiration and still the greatest drummer star in the history of the instrument. No drummer has ever reached the heights of fame and musical ability that he did. Many have become much richer and drumming technique has progressed a lot but no drummer ever became a film star and pop idol as well being an excellent musician. Please note that swing music was pop in the Thirties and Forties.

The Trio in Bonn, Sept 6, will feature John Crocker, a great friend from my Chris Barber days, and Rossano Sportiello, who is rapidly becoming a big star on the jazz scene both here in Europe and in the States.